Have you ever noticed tiny, white bumps on your skin and wondered what on earth they were and how best to tackle them.
Known as ‘milia’, these small bumps are not to be confused with acne or whiteheads.
Milia are medically known as ‘milium cysts’ and it is important to understand that they are a tiny form of cyst rather than whiteheads, which they are sometimes confused with. So please to not try and squeeze them out. You will not get them out this way and you will run the risk of scaring the skin trying .
Why do we get milia?
Milia occur when the sweat glands become trapped with oil and keratin. They can become quite hard and prominent and although they may pass away eventually, they could last for years.
Milia can occur after trauma like a rash due to allergic reactions and irritation from harsh products or use of a topical steroid cream. After an injury, burn or blistering of the skin, the number of skin cells trapped under the skin’s surface can increase.
Another important factor which can cause milia is using face creams which are too rich thus preventing natural exfoliation from occurring. Sun damage is another contributing factor.
Although they are harmless, many people with milia would prefer to remove them.
They can sometimes clear up by themselves without treatment, but with some people they can be stubborn to clear, lasting for a few weeks or persist for months or sometimes longer!
Whatever you do, do not squeeze or try to remove it yourself like a spot as you will cause more harm.
For homecare, using regular exfoliating ingredients in your daily skincare regime like salicylic acid, glycolic acid or retinol will help prevent milia from occurring and in some cases will get rid of them.
If your milia doesn’t respond to an exfoliating treatment after several weeks or months, they can be extracted during your skin treatment if the are far enough up to the surface. You can see from the picture, I have done for a client.
Remember regular exfoliation and Suncreen will help prevent milia from occurring.